Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Me and My OMies

If you don't know this about me, I am a true believe in yoga. I started practicing yoga after I graduated college and moved back home about 5 years ago. I remember thinking how I liked yoga -how hard it was - but also a little weirded out about the spiritual aspect of it.

After practicing yoga more regularly, I started to really understand the meaning and the power of yoga. And I am totally hooked more than ever. I started to go to a "real" yoga studio and not just 24 Hour Fitness. Let me tell you, it makes a big difference.

Bala Yoga Owners Mike & Gabriella
My yoga studio is definitely a community. You get to know the instructors and the "regulars" who practice with you. You definitely become a part of something bigger. I watch other people in the room make progress as well as reflect on my own progress. 5 years ago I could barely call down dog a "resting pose" and those scary arm balances where I thought I was going to snap my wrist... well they are some of my favorites now and I consider them "play time." I love yoga. I think it is so much fun and I love how my body surprises me every time I practice. I feel stronger than I have ever been in my life.

Warrior 2 Pose & Tree Pose Cookies
My yoga studio, my tribe, my community, celebrated their 5th anniversary. They had an awesome DJ jamming the flow with us, a dance party in the middle of class (stay light hearted friends) and a potluck afterwords to celebrate!

Tree Pose Yoga Cookie
Find Balance in All Things
I made my gluten free sugar cookies in honor of yoga and the studio I practice at. The owner actually sent me the link to these AWESOME cookie cutters and I will share it with you! Check them out by Yummi Yogi  I chose just a couple for the party even though they are all so cute! Warrior 2 and Tree pose are a couple of my favorites.

Be Fierce Little Warrior

Fire within Me

warrior 2 yoga cookies
Me & My OMies <3

Yoga Themed cookie platter
Yoga Cookies

OM Shanti Shanti OM

Zen Out

Balla Tribe in the House!

OM Cookies

yoga cookies

Gluten Free Sugar Cookies

yoga theme cookies
Yoga is a journey. I have come to understand that now more than ever and I can't wait to see where the journey continues to take me. Sometimes its a love-hate relationship with our bodies but yoga we can honor those loves and honor those hates and send them love and patience. Thanks for "zenning" out with me. Sending yogi love to everyone!